**Failure to complete service hours will result in a consequence
Why Complete Service?
The goal of Christ the King School’s Christian Service Hour program is to ensure that students are seeking to serve the community, the world at large, and to see Christ in all people.
Christian service is defined as that which takes us beyond a narrow concern for ourselves and moves us to promote the common good and to uphold the human dignity of every person. In the end, we are looking to serve those that are poor, vulnerable, or marginalized in the world around us.
What Counts as Service?
Service hours consist of time donated to the community. Service must be completed outside of school hours.
Checking in with any CKS teacher to see if they need help organizing, cleaning, or making copies
Meals from the Heartland--need to sign up with an adult
Volunteering at an animal shelter--complete training and work with an adult
Babysit for Home and School-see Mrs. Beneke to sign up
Participating in service for the Church such as altar serving at weekend Mass, lecturing, singing, helping with food (donuts) after Mass, etc
Working school events--see Mrs. Beneke to sign up when events are coming up
Help with Religious Education
Help at sporting events--concessions, selling tickets, etc
Volunteering at Farmers' Markets or cultural events
Helping at Teacher-Parent Conferences
Helping at nursing homes--need to go with an adult
Writing letters to shut-ins, those in the military or in the hospital
Red Kettle Campaign during the Christmas season
Helping Mrs. McLoughlin in the garden--see her for details in the spring